Let’s start by stating that we are very careful about how we do this and that we will never share your personal data with third parties without your permission. In addition, we will only use your personal data for the purpose for which you provided it.
Our privacy principles are listed below. Under each heading, we state clearly what information we collect, why we collect it and how long we store it. In this way, we are completely transparent about how we handle and what we do with your personal data.
Our webshop uses different types of cookies to improve your experience while navigating through our webshop. Cookies that are categorized as ‘Strictly necessary’ are stored in your browser, because they are essential for the basic functioning of the website. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use our webshop. These cookies are only stored in your browser with your permission. You have the option to disable these cookies. However, disabling some of these cookies can have an effect on your webshop experience.
Via the TextielMuseum website, you can follow a link to our web shop which sells products made under our own label by TextielMuseum. The web shop is a stand-alone platform. We keep records of ticket sales transactions in our accounting system. We have a duty under Dutch tax legislation to store this information for seven years.
To be able to deliver products you buy, we need your address details. We share this information when necessary with external service providers. The transport service needs, for example, your name and address to be able to deliver products to your door. The external service providers we engage may only use your information in the performance of their respective services. Information about your purchases is also stored in order to be able to answer any questions about, for example, product warranty or other questions or complaints about the product. We may also use customer contact details to send a non-binding (statistical) survey to improve customer satisfaction, service or internal processes.
Of course we are interested in data that says something concerning the success of our site, for example: how many visitors do we get per month; from which countries our site is visited; for which pages exists the most of interest? For that purpose we register your IP-address and domainname. And to adapt the facilities and functions to equipment of the user, we also keep up with which type of browser you approach our site. This information is property of By TextielMuseum and will be stored for a period of two years. The information which is collected, is used for the improvement of our service and marketing activities. Also this information will not be let or sold to third parties under no circumstances. The cooperation partners/suppliers of Wannekes.nl have been selected with much care. It can occur that data of customers with these partners are shared with the aim our of improving service to the customer.
Digital newsletter subscription
The world of textiles presented in and around the TextielMuseum is bustling with activity. If you wish, we would be pleased to inform you about everything going on at the TextielMuseum via our digital newsletter. To subscribe to our digital newsletter, we ask you to provide your name and email address. After you have done this, we send you email confirmation in which we also ask for your permission to use your personal data for this purpose. You are free to fill in additional details if you think they could be relevant. Once you have signed up for our digital newsletter, your details will be added to the address list in our messaging program Mailchimp. Your personal data will only be used for sending the newsletter to the email address you specify. Every newsletter we send contains a link at the bottom with which you can easily unsubscribe or update your personal data.
Sign up as a Friend of the TextielMuseum
If you are as passionate about textiles as we are and you care about preserving our industrial heritage, you can become a Friend of the TextielMuseum. Friends of the TextielMuseum receive preferential treatment and act as our ambassadors. To become a Friend of the TextielMuseum, we only ask you to specify what type of friendship you wish to have. The Friends of the TextielMuseum Foundation receives this information and is responsible for its processing. We have no control over the information that the foundation collects from you. This is stated in the foundation’s terms and conditions.
Social media
In addition to this website, the TextielMuseum uses social media channels to keep people informed about new exhibitions, activities, interesting projects taking place in the TextielLab, where the works of art we make are on display, new products made under our own label by.TextielMuseum and much, much more. You can follow us on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, LinkedIn, Twitter and Pinterest. You can access social media channels by clicking the icons placed on our website. No social media messages are posted on our website. The TextielMuseum does not impose any conditions on the use of social media. You have to agree to the terms and conditions of the social media platform you use.
Contact with the TextielMuseum via social media
If you ask us a question via social media, we will store the respective message and your account name so that we can give you an answer. We will contact you if you post a photo in which the TextielMuseum | TextielLab is tagged or hashtagged. We will not use the photo without your permission.
TextielMuseum advertisements on social media
TextielMuseum uses the advertising possibilities provided by social media platforms. We will show you advertisements based on the data that social media platforms collect with your permission, for example, that you follow us, are interested in textiles, fashion, design, interior architecture or that you live in a specific region. TextielMuseum has no control over the data that social media platforms collect from you. This is stated in the social media platforms’ terms and conditions and can usually be managed via your social media profile settings.
Sending in general questions by email or the website contact form
If you want to ask us a question, you can always send it by email or fill in the online contact form on our website. We ask you to provide your name and email address, and to tell us what you would like to receive information about.
We will only use the data you provide to be able to answer your question. Depending on the nature of your question, your data will be stored for a longer or shorter period. If you ask us a general question about, for example, opening times, your email will not be stored for longer than three months. If you ask us a question about, for example, online ticket purchases or booking a TextielLab activity, different storage periods will apply. Please see the privacy principles listed under the respective headings above.
We check each email message separately to see whether we need to store your personal data. We treat all the email we receive carefully and confidentially, and we do not store data any longer than necessary.
More information?
Would you like to know more about where your personal data is stored or who you should contact, for example, to have your personal data deleted?
Rights of involved
You have the option to view your personal data and (in case of inaccuracies or incompleteness) correct it. You can also invoke your right to oblivion and you can (if desired) have your personal data removed. You can do this by contacting [email protected].
Questions and feedback
We regularly check whether we meet these privacy conditions. If you have questions about our privacy conditions, you can contact us:
013 – 53 67 475
[email protected]
or directly contact Douwe Cnossen (data protection officer) of Stichting Mommerskwartier via [email protected] or 06-14943341